

\n'); z.document.close(); z.focus(true); } function updateCart() { $('contentMinicart').innerHTML = 'Updating - please wait!'; new Effect.Highlight($('contentMinicart')); // this gets called by handleResponse (which is in zoovy.js) var postBody = 'm=RenderElement&format=LAYOUT&docid=~p-big_image&element=IMAGECART&targetDiv=contentMinicart'; // alert(postBody); new Ajax.Request('/ajax/RenderElement', { postBody: postBody, asynchronous: 1, onComplete: function(request){handleResponse(request.responseText);} } ) ; } // // this function is overloaded, and is run whenever an "add_to_cart" button is clicked // it finds the form with a product id that matches on it. // function addToCart(id,pid) { // alert("adding To Cart (product: " + pid + ")"); var postBody = 'm=AddToCart&cart='+session_id+'&pid='+pid; for (i = document.forms.length-1; i>=0; --i) { if (document.forms[i].elements['product_id']) { if (document.forms[i].elements['product_id'].value == pid) { postBody = postBody + '&' + Form.serialize(document.forms[i]); new Ajax.Request('/ajax/AddToCart', { postBody: postBody, asynchronous: 1, onComplete: function(request){handleResponse(request.responseText);} } ) ; } } } // alert('finished with addToCart'); } //-->

Custom Designed 8 Page Product Brochure

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Full gloss 4 Color printed product catalog, letter size (8"x11.5").

You provide us with the content, imagery and copy and our design team will put it all together, incorporating your branding and store color scheme. The cost includes design and printing only.

Custom Designed 8 Page Product Brochure
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Custom Designed 16 page Deluxe Product Catalog
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Custom Designed Leaflet
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Custom Designed Postcard
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Custom Designed Trifold
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