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Media Contact: Stephanie Olsen, Lages & Associates
1.949.453.8080, stephanie@lages.com
Zoovy Announces: New Header for the Zoovy Site
San Diego, CA.

2006-01-17 13:08:31 -- San Diego -- We have implemented a new (smaller) header that offers an integrated todo list status, and messaging subsystem. A smaller header means less scrolling!

The messaging system is integrated with the forums and allows you to send messages to other people in your company, or other Zoovy members (which is incredibly useful for JEDI retailers/suppliers). Other Zoovy-related messages such as billing updates, will also be stored in the internal messaging format - thereby allowing us to bypass spam filters.

The integrated To Do list will also play an increasingly important role in the usage of the Zoovy system. Upcoming enhancements such as the Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) module, and customer posted product reviews will be integrated with the todo list to make approving/denying them easy.