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Media Contact: Stephanie Olsen, Lages & Associates
1.949.453.8080, stephanie@lages.com
Zoovy Announces: Mobile Phone enhanced site preview - iPhone compatibility.
San Diego, CA.

2009-08-05 11:28:33 -- San Diego -- Zoovy is proud to announce that all sites hosted by our engine are now "mobile ready". Any existing client site may now be viewed at http://m.domain.com rather than http://www.domain.com to see an alternate mobile enhanced view. The mobile wrappers are optimized for both smaller high resolution screens in addition to both of the common non-mouse oriented navigation methods: tab and touch.

This technology is considered experimental (beta) but is now at a stage where it is ready for public comment. The technology has been provided free of charge to all clients, meaning there are no additional development, setup, or monthly fees to have a mobile site. All domains hosted by Zoovy are currently enabled for m.domain.com.

We have created a webdoc page to share the "current" state of the mobile wrappers: http://webdoc.zoovy.com/doc/51441.

In addition we have started a facebook thread where we will be hosting an open discussion of the "future" of the mobile wrappers: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=10267&uid;=80797169444 .

This technology demonstrates the ability of Zoovy's content engine to dynamically transform content to fit not only multiple sites, and multiple marketplaces, but now also multiple types of devices. Many industry reports in the past few months have touted how M-Commerce has been exploding since the release of the iPhone. We at Zoovy are very happy that our clients can now easily and cost-effectively provide a rich user experience to better service to the incredibly affluent "Smart Phone" market.